Xander English Shapes and Colours
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Xander English Shapes and Colours

Ages: 3 - 7
Price: $0.99
Type: Mobile App, Game
By Tribage Game Engineering


English Shapes and Colours is an English educational app for your children that teaches six basic shapes and the primary and secondary colours using age appropriate games.

Xander, the lovable narrator, guides your child through six learn-through-play activities involving vision, hearing and touch to teach them to identify shapes and colours.

"Preparing little children for big school"
"Smart apps for clever kids"

Review Highlights:

Xander English is a fun app for preschool level children. Users identify basic shapes and colors, play matching games and complete visual puzzles. We've played many apps like this one, but what we liked was the simplicity of the first screen. My child could easily move back and forth between exercises. Although my son did ask why the girl said things differently (he was picking up on the accent) he enjoyed playing. We then discussed the idea that everyone has an accent of some kind and when we speak to others from different parts of the world, they think we have one too!

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