American Heroes #4
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Academics' Choice Award™ Winner

American Heroes #4

Ages: 7 - 11
Price: $13.98
Type: Audio CD
By Sprout Recordings


American Heroes #4 is a musical celebration of the lives of 10 extraordinary citizens from the famous to the not-so-famous. Jonathan Sprout makes history come alive with a big, bold sound that announces: this is a party about heroes!

Review Highlights:

These well produced and written songs are filled with nuggets of information and insights about famous American Heroes. The CD opens with "Unstoppable," a song about the creator of the Girl Scouts organization, Juliet Gordon "Daisy" Low. This song feels like a modern folk/rock song with a hint of electronic elements. This CD would be best suited for grades 1-6. The lyrics could be read aloud to help supplement a lesson plan on a single American hero or specific time and place.

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