It's All Animals - Complete Series
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Academics' Choice Smart Book Award

It's All Animals - Complete Series

Ages: 9 - 14
Price: $90.00
Type: Book
By High Noon Books


This hi-lo series uses fascinating facts about animals to introduce life-science vocabulary and concepts, including traits, ecosystems, and how animals are classified based on shared characteristics. Each book in the It's All Animals! series features lots of interesting information about a wide variety of animals. Each set focuses on five different types of animals.

Review Highlights:

The It's All Animals series from High Noon Books is loaded with fun facts to teach kids about various animals and their traits, habits, skills and more. Level 1 teaches kids about a variety of animals, from household pets such as cats and dogs to crocodiles, termites, wasps, chimpanzees, mosquitoes, snakes, and even scorpions! Level 2 discusses animals of places all over the world such as the Rockies, the Borneo, the Arctic, the Atacama, and the Serengeti - explaining how they find shelter, food, and water in the various habitats from each book. Level 3 delves into mammals (from bumblebee bats to blue whales), reptiles, fish, animals without backbones, and animals that can change their form such as amphibians. This is a wonderful set to have in your classroom or local library.

My 8 year old son was excited about these and really enjoyed them. He loves animals, and learned a lot from these books. I liked how they wove science vocabulary into the stories and didn't just include the most common facts. The books are a good size for kids hands and written well for young readers. I liked how the stories were intermingled with facts.

My son is always asking questions about reptiles, insects, mammals, you name it! He's at the age where his curiosity is peaking, and wants to learn about everything he sets his eyes on. He's always had a huge interest in creatures of all sorts, so this series has been really fun to watch him develop his passion for animals. He's constantly reporting new facts he's learned from these books; his favorite book lately has been "Animals of the Atacama" and he tells me he's ready to go visit the desert. It's All Animals teaches him not only fun facts he can share with his friends at school, but about their ecosystems, characteristics, traits, habits, habitats, and food they eat, all while developing his reading and comprehension skills.

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