Collisions: Play Chemistry
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Collisions: Play Chemistry

Ages: 11 - 18
Price: FREE
Type: Game
By PlayMada Games


Collisions™ is a digital chemistry game designed to give middle and high school students a deepened understanding of fundamental chemistry concepts. Through exploratory play, abstract concepts become tangible as students see and touch the building blocks of matter within an easy-to-navigate environment built for web and tablet. The rules of Collisions are grounded in the rules of chemistry, so as students learn to play the game they simultaneously learn fundamental chemistry concepts. Just like in chemistry, everything within Collisions is interconnected. Play is structured to reinforce systems thinking by highlighting how different concepts affect one another.

Collisions was created by a team of educators, scientists, designers, and developers on a mission to teach science concepts in an engaging and challenging way. Through extensive ideation, playtesting, and iteration, the Collisions team has built a flexible tool that teachers can use 1:1, within a flipped classroom, to introduce a lesson, or for student practice. Collisions also couples immersive play with immediate and meaningful feedback to engage students of varying skill and interest levels. Collisions can be played on iPad or Android tablets, or online at Current content areas include Atoms, Ions, Covalent Bonding, Ionic Bonding, Acids, and Bases.


Review Highlights:

Offered immediate feedback on the concepts being practiced. This is great for an advanced younger student wanting to explore higher level chemistry concepts. It's also fabulous for students needing more practice with chemistry concepts already learned. Love that it is available in different platforms: Apple OS, Android, and web-based.

This app offered an opportunity to explore and practice many different chemistry skills including bonding, atomic structure, acids and bases.

Collisions enables students to experiment with and learn about the fundamental concepts of chemistry, including atoms, ions, ionic and covalent bonds, and acids and bases. My teen thought that it was a good review of chemistry that she learned last year. We both felt that the game would best be used for a student who is currently taking chemistry, because some background knowledge of the concepts is needed. A student without this knowledge might not be successful.

My daughter said that it was "addicting" and it kept her hands and mind busy. She thought that it was a good review of chemistry and she plans to continue playing the game for fun. Because the player is building atoms and balancing charges on the computer screen, the game provides a "hands-on" way to experience and understand the concepts.

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