Sago Mini Box: Planes
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Sago Mini Box: Planes

Ages: 3 - 5
Price: $22.00
Type: Toy
By Sago Mini


Strap in, mind the exits and let your imagination take flight. Fly around your living room with your very own plane, figure out the best way to pack your suitcase, and build your own camera to snap travel pics. Don't forget your activity passport, crammed with fun activities!

Review Highlights:

The Planes box allows kids to work their small motor skills through the construction of several activities. The puzzle develops hand-eye coordination as well as spatial awareness, especially for younger children. Many may not see creative play as a skill, but as a former kindergarten teacher, I can attest to how important imaginative play is to a child's development. As children play with this box, they will be inspired to tell stories, make up games, and go on imaginary adventures and travels.

I think children take more of an interest in their toys when they are personally invested in them. When a child has to take the time and care to put an item together with their own hands, they are more motivated to take care of it, and often hold it dear. I love that. I love the hands-on element included in each of the Sago Mini Boxes.

This box opens up so many opportunities for conversations about traveling, the world, other countries, cultures, etc - not to mention planes and airports! Kids will have so many questions, and likely be inspired to check out books from the library, play travel related games, look at maps, watch for planes, ask about cameras, and take a renewed interest in puzzles. These boxes spark interest and awaken creativity. They are interest-developers - helping young kids figure out what they're interested in and what they want to learn more about.

It was too popular! Both of my kids wanted their own passport, camera, and large plane! The team responsible for curating and developing the activities in these boxes should be commended. These boxes are so thoughtfully and intentionally put together.

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